One Day Sale and the Edge in the Air ~ 18 April 2012

Can you feel Mars and Ceres at play? While a trine, there’s an edge to this aspect. A feeling of cut no slack - or more precisely be precise and intentionally focused creates a stimulating, edgy threshold in the air. Here, one’s job is to advocate for one’s actions. Ensure your efforts are seen and recognized. Extend your aura from your core smoothly to eliminate any tendencies toward invisibility or shrinking like a violet under scrutiny. This is an even-flowing aspect. Pushing with politeness is permitted.

You might as well use the trine to state your case and make your claim for advancement in life; a four-pack of edgy patterns follow. To be clear, edgy patterns push folks outside of comfort zones into the “dive in no matter what because you must” mind set. To prepare for a swim in the vast waters of the rivers of life that lead to oceans of creativity and consciousness, consider:

On April 22nd Mercury aligns with Uranus in Aries. Cranky, cantankerous and hopefully conscious, this pattern maintains a particular disdain when encountering those set in ways, stuck in patterns or maintaining an illusion that the rut is a groove. Your function with this pattern is to rabble rouse with reason, rationality (hopefully with sanity in purpose), and an unusual twist that serves to get everyone’s head to tilt to the side in curiosity, thus rendering a new, alternate point of view. Edge on. Bump up. Rise to the occasion. Get a new idea. Offer perspective. Question the depth of stagnant waters. Most important, have a solution-based thought(s) to offer. When pointing out the sorts of things this aspect notes, if you have nothing to offer as an antidote, soon your comment credentials will be revoked.

The Sun moves up to Ceres on April 25th. Early in Taurus, this is the time to reset your foundational foothold. Like a baseball player at the plate working out of an early season slump, check your stance. Find a better balance, which could also refer to checking the fluidity in the chakra system, too. The point is to advocate for your credibility, value, and creative content that just bursts to be seen and applied. Perhaps an energetic approach works better than a bulldozing strategy.

And, if no one else does it for you, do it for yourself. Actually, inner value is best verified internally. It makes sense, but sometimes when seeking approval or merit from others in a time when there is an edge in the air, the results can be deflating. Go to the source that springs eternal... your enthusiasm for your talent and fecundity.

The month closes out with Mars in Virgo squaring the nodes along the Sagittarius - Gemini axis, exact on the 30th. Mars smugly asks, you know what happens when you don’t file a flight plan and follow it, don’t you? That’s more rhetorical really, but Mars is no doubt amused by the transoceanic pilot, who dove his jetliner to avoid Venus last January, a story just now emerging in the news.

To prevent being caught off guard like this pilot, use the Martian transit of the nodes to a collection of black holes. The aggregate effect of these black holes (see you would benefit from the Galactic Trilogy CD, on sale for one day only) is to provide incredible amounts of data and input that map out the potholes on the pike ahead. Of course, the data is meaningless if not integrated, remembered or applied. Concurrently, these black holes remind everyone that when a new idea arrives, it must be given at least 283 seconds of immediate, conscious attention for full development of that idea.

May commences with its third day observing Mercury, now more advanced in Aries, moving up to match wits with Eris. You know, it’s time to cull your social networking friends and monitor the rate, quality, content and volume of tweets and posts. Should you be politically motivated, consider: Are anonymous vitriolic tweets achieving the result you intend, or is it time to be out there gathering signatures on petitions?

This very potent Aries energy demands the most direct, powerful application of one’s words and mind. Think of this as a continuation of the Mercury-Uranus conjunction. That recent pattern hoped to offer an alternate point of view for the subtle shifting of consciousness. Should that effort be seen as short of its goal, here’s an “all bets are off” for creating an awareness of alternate realities planetary pairing. Mercury played very strongly in the effort that Jupiter orchestrated with Eris to reverse the order of the heavens to create a political outcome that pleased Jupiter. In this effort the Sun, Moon and stars reversed their courses, and the Pleiades wept. But perspective was reset, normal order returned a day later, and according to the grand master of gargantuan opportunity, life was good again.

Can you use Mercury-Eris to restore a sense of inclusion in those places, activities and organizations that serve your greatest purposes? Should you reset your opinion of what you want on the social/success status ladder of life? Would an internal greed check be a good idea? Should you declare to yourself and the world where you fit in with absolute certainty? Can we get a Hallelujah here, please?

An edge in the air? Absolutely. Can you use it for the good? Of course you can.

Things are busy on my end. However, I’ll be posting again about the time of the Mercury-Eris conjunction to set sights ahead on the upcoming Venus transit and the massive shifts in consciousness she has in mind... and none of those have to do with freaking out sleepy transoceanic pilots. See you next month.